Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Homeward Bound

Our last day in Chicago was spent doing a last bit of shopping and then sitting in the sunshine in the hotel garden.  We left for O'Hare aiprort at 2 p.m. and took our trusty hire car back to base. 

The airport had very few facilities for waiting pasengers, just a McDonalds and a Cafe Bar.  Our flight was on time and so we didn't have long to wait thankfully.  The flight to Dublin was smooth, though Julia did manage to cut her finger with a plastic knife and require assistance from the flight crew, who couldn't believe she had managed to cut herself so badly with a safety knife!

On approaching Dublin the plane decended, speed was reduced, the seatbelt sign came on and the wheels went down, nothing unusual in that.  Then just as we were about to touch down our landing was aborted and we literally zoomed back into the air.  We really did feel the power of those jet engines as we soared back up into the sky.  We circled for a while and then a second landing was attempted and apart from being a bit bumpy was a success.  We were then held on the runway for twenty minutes.  The explaination given was that the airport was very busy with more flight traffic than usual.  This didn't seem quite right and we have not been able to find out the real reason for our aborted landing yet.

DUB Dublin Airport - Aer Lingus Airbus A330 at the gate 3008x2000

So after 27 hours without much sleep we arrived in a rainy cold Dublin, headed for the nearest cafe for tea and toast and crashed out for half an hour.

Our flight from Dublin to Birmingham was rather bumpy and the landing was even more so, but being so tired we hardly noticed it. 

Thats all for this year, but we are already planning next years watch this space.

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